Dedicated Git Hosting @ WMG

First-time Use

If this is your first time using the website, you will need to log in using your university ID (the u0000 number without @) and your regular password under the 'LDAP' tab. Once you log in, your account will be created on the website. However, your account will be locked by default on your first login. To unlock your account, please contact the administrator.

We understand that this may not be convenient, but it is a necessary step required by the ITS. Please also note that the University employs Single Sign-on to allow you to access this website. Your login information is not handled or captured by this website.

Site Administrator

Dr. Jianhua Yang has set up and is currently maintaining the website with assistance from ITS. If you have any queries or questions about the website, please contact him (and NOT the ITS). However, if you need assistance with your University account, please contact the Warwick ITS.

Dedicated Git Hosting @ WMG